Annual General Meetings

Information on AWI's Annual General Meeting (AGM) .
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the company is an opportunity for shareholders to receive an update on AWI’s performance during the year, to ask questions of the Board and Management as well as AWI’s Auditor, and to vote on any items of business before the AGM.
Annual General Meeting 2024
AWI held its 2024 Annual General Meeting at 10am (AEST) on Friday 15 November 2024.
Formal notice and meeting papers were sent to shareholders in October 2024.
Pursuant to provision 14.3 of the Constitution of AWI, the retirement and election of Directors occurs every two years. As an election of Directors took place at the 2023 AGM, and there were no Board vacancies, no election of Directors was held at the 2024 AGM.
A recording of the AGM is available here.
Related Publications
Past Annual General Meetings
2023 AGM
Annual General Meeting 2023
AWI held its 2023 Annual General Meeting at 10am (AEST) on Friday 17th November.
Formal notice and meeting papers were sent to AWI shareholders in October 2023.
A recording of the AGM is available here.
The results of the AGM director election votes are:
Ms Emma Weston | 128,084 | 16,846 | ELECTED |
Mr Neil Jackson | 98,168 | 39,863 | ELECTED |
Mr Steve McGuire | 34,398 | 53,231 | |
Mr George Millington | 131,051 | 17,974 | ELECTED |
Mr Edward Storey | 74,401 | 37,276 |
Related Publications
- AWI AGM Virtual Meeting Guide 2023
- Consent to Act as Director form
- Director Nomination form
- Rules and Procedures Governing the Election of Directors
- 2023 Board Nomination Committee Report
- AWI Notice of Annual General Meeting 2023
- Updated biographies of the 5 AWI director candidates for election at the upcoming AGM
- 2022-23 Annual Report
2022 AGM
Documents relating to the AGM are available for view or download below:
2021 AGM
Annual General Meeting 2021
AWI held its 2021 Annual General Meeting virtually at 10am (AEST) on Friday 19th November.
Formal notice and meeting papers were sent to AWI shareholders in October 2021.
A recording of the AGM is available here.
The results of the AGM vote on the resolution to amend the Constitution of the Company are:
Resolution | For | Against | Abstain | Result |
Changes to the Constitution | 140,584 | 24,229 | 7,170 | Approved |
The results of the AGM vote on the resolution of the Board Size Limit are:
Resolution | For | Against | Abstain | Result |
Board Size Limit | 156,970 | 13,314 | 1,679 | Approved |
The results of the AGM Director Election votes are:
Resolution | For | Against | Abstain | Result |
Jock Laurie | 98,779 | 55,629 | 15,302 | Elected |
Don Macdonald | 105,988 | 45,239 | 18,650 | Elected |
Georgia Hack | 92,937 | 61,574 | 15,049 | Elected |
Michael Field | 72,655 | 60,432 | 14,897 | |
Sydney Lawrie | 35,817 | 81,480 | 30,115 | |
Charles Olsson | 26,991 | 102,263 | 21,591 | |
Steven Read | 82,205 | 53,803 | 11,903 |
Related Publications
- View the AWI Annual Report 2021/22
- View the AWI Annual Report 2020/21 or download the PDF version
- Notice of Annual General Meeting 2021
- Board Nomination Committee report 2021
- Appointment of corporate representative form
- Guide to online meetings
- AWI Constitution 2021 mark up
- Consent to Act as Director form
- Director Nomination form
- Rules and Procedures Governing the Election of Directors
- AWI Director Nominee Update - Recommendation of the Board Nomination Committee (AWI media release, 12 October 2021)
- Director Election Proxy Forms (AWI media release, 2 November 2021)
- AGM and Director Election Reminder (AWI media release, 4 November 2021)
- One New Director Elected to AWI Board (AWI media release, 19 November 2021)
2020 AGM
AWI held its 2020 Annual General Meeting at 10am (AEST) on Friday 20th November. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic it was a virtual / online meeting.
Formal notice and meeting papers were sent to AWI shareholders in October 2020.
There were no Director elections at this meeting.
There were no constitutional resolutions for consideration at this meeting.
A recording of the AGM is available here.
Related Publications
- View the AWI Annual Report 2019/20 or download the PDF version (PDF 9Mb)
- Notice of Annual General Meeting 2020 (including a guide to the virtual meeting) (PDF 1Mb)
- Appointment of a corporate representative form (PDF 57Kb)
- AGM letter to shareholders (3 Sept 2020)
- Wool looks to better 2021 but challenges remain - AWI Media Release 20 November 2020
2019 AGM
AWI held its 2019 Annual General Meeting at 10am (AEST) on Friday 22 November at the Amora Hotel located at 11 Jamison Street in Sydney.
Formal notice and meeting papers were sent to AWI shareholders in October 2019.
The results of the AGM vote on the resolution related to changes to the Constitution are:
Resolution | For | Against | Abstain | Result |
Changes to the Constitution | 272,375 | 43,959 | 20,781 | Approved |
The results of the AGM director election votes are:
Candidate | For | Against | Abstain | Result |
Mr Wal Merriman | 146,398 | 152,825 | 3,543 | Not elected |
Mr David Webster | 159,465 | 129,997 | 8,552 | Elected |
Mr Paul Cocking | 45,212 | 138,004 | 40,729 | Not elected |
Mr George Falkiner | 74,145 | 123,352 | 35,900 | Not elected |
Mr Noel Henderson | 139,370 | 85,300 | 22,899 | Elected |
Ms Janelle Hocking Edwards | 132,662 | 84,648 | 26,438 | Not elected |
Mr Philip Holmes | 129,784 | 91,221 | 23,237 | Not elected |
Dr Michelle Humphries | 166,140 | 95,549 | 18,953 | Elected |
The 2019 AWI AGM was broadcast live via webcast on Friday 22 November at 10am Sydney time.
This initiative by AWI enabled those AWI shareholders that were unable to attend the AGM in person to view the AGM proceedings live.
Related publications
- AWI shareholders endorse Constitution changes, elect two new directors
- Consent to nomination form (PDF 77 Kb)
- Directors nomination form (PDF 104 Kb)
- Rules and Procedures governing the election of Directors (PDF 141 Kb)
- AWI Constitution (PDF 443Kb) - 22 November 2019
- Notice of Annual General Meeting 2019 (PDF 206Kb)
- Board Nomination Committee Report (PDF 360Kb)
- Appointment of Corporate Representative Form (PDF 52Kb)
- 2018-19 Annual Report (PDF 5.6MB)
2018 AGM
AWI held its 2018 Annual General Meeting on Friday 23 November 2018 at 10am at the Swissotel located at 68 Market Street, Sydney, NSW.
Formal notice and meeting papers were sent to AWI shareholders in October 2018.
AWI AGM webcast
The 2018 AWI AGM was broadcast live via webcast on Friday 23 November at 10am Sydney time – this initiative by AWI enabled those AWI shareholders that were unable to attend the AGM in person to view the AGM proceedings live.
The video recording of the AGM was available to view for 12 months until November 2019.
Related Publications
- View the AWI Annual Report 2017/18 or download the PDF version (PDF 6Mb)
- Notice of Annual General Meeting 2018 (PDF 212Kb)
- Appointment of a corporate representative form (PDF 51Kb)
- New era begins at Australian Wool Innovation (AWI media release) 23 November 2018
2017 AGM
AWI held its 2017 Annual General Meeting on Friday 17 November 2017 at 10am at the Swissotel in Sydney, NSW.
The hard copies of AWI 2017 AGM documentation (Notice of AGM, voting form etc) were lodged with Australia Post by AWI’s share registry, Link Market Services, on Monday 23 October. For those AWI shareholders who have requested that they receive email communication instead of hard copy communication, the documentation was emailed on Tuesday 24 October.
Election of directors
At the AGM, Colette Garnsey and James Morgan were re-elected to the Board of AWI, and Don Macdonald was elected to the Board.
The votes for their election were:
Colette Garnsey | 205,584 |
Don Macdonald | 136,384 |
James Morgan | 135,892 |
Paul Cocking | 128,618 |
Will Wilson | 74,308 |
Related publications
- View the AWI Annual Report 2016/17 or download the PDF version (PDF 3Mb)
- Notice of Annual General Meeting 2017 (PDF 213Kb)
- Board Nomination Committee report 2017 (PDF 140Kb)
- Appointment of a corporate representative form 2017 (PDF 49Kb)
- Rules and Procedures governing the election of Directors (PDF 216 Kb)
- Consent to nomination form (PDF 216 Kb)
- Directors nomination form (PDF 290 Kb)
- Constitution of AWI (PDF 260Kb)
2016 AGM
AWI held its 2016 Annual General Meeting at 10am on Friday 18 November 2016 at:
Swissotel Sydney
Blaxland Room
68 Market Street
Sydney NSW
Formal notice and meeting papers were sent to AWI shareholders in October 2016.
Pursuant to provision 13.3 of the Constitution of AWI, the retirement and election of Directors occurs every two years. As an election of Directors took place at the 2015 AGM, and there were no Board vacancies, no election of Directors was held at the 2016 AGM.
Related publications
- View the AWI Annual Report 2015/16 or download the PDF version (PDF 9Mb)
- Notice of Annual General Meeting 2016 (PDF 99Kb)
2015 AGM
AWI held its 2015 Annual General Meeting at 10am on Friday 20th November 2015 at:
Swissotel Sydney
Blaxland Room
68 Market Street
Sydney NSW
Formal notice and meeting papers were sent to AWI shareholders in October 2015.
Election of directors
At the AGM, Wal Merriman and David Webster were re-elected to the Board of AWI, and Jock Laurie was elected to the Board.
The votes for their election were:
Wal Merriman | 73,337 |
David Webster | 74,514 |
Jock Laurie | 72,337 |
Related publications
- View the AWI Annual Report 2014/15 or download the PDF version (PDF 2.15Mb)
- Notice of Annual General Meeting 2015 (PDF 112Kb)
- Board Nomination Committee Report 2015 (PDF 61Kb)
- Appointment of a corporate representative form 2015 (PDF 49Kb)
- Director Nomination Form 2015 (PDF 246Kb)
- Consent to Nomination Form 2015 (PDF 183Kb)
- Rules and Procedures governing election of Directors (PDF 145Kb)
Previous AGMs
2014 AGM
AWI held its 2014 Annual General Meeting at 10am on Friday 21st November 2014 at:
Swissotel Sydney
Blaxland Room
68 Market Street
Sydney NSW
Formal notice and meeting papers were sent to Shareholders in late October 2014.
Pursuant to provision 13.3 of the Constitution of AWI, the retirement and election of Directors occurs every two years. As an election of Directors took place at the 2013 AGM, and there were no Board vacancies, no election of Directors were held at the 2014 AGM.
Related publications
- View the AWI Annual Report 2013/14 or download the PDF version (PDF 5Mb)
- Notice of Annual General Meeting 2014 (PDF 93Kb)
- Appointment of a corporate representative form 2014 (PDF 49Kb)
2013 AGM
AWI held its 2013 Annual General Meeting on Friday 22nd November 2013 at The Grace Hotel in Sydney.
At the AGM and according to the Corporations Act, shareholders voted to limit the board to seven Directors. Subsequently the results of the election of Directors are as follows:
Meredith Sheil 138,006 votes for
James Morgan 99,934 votes for
Paul Cocking 92,544 votes for
George Falkiner 84,216 votes for
Martin Oppenheimer 51,938 votes for
Will Roberts 45,936 votes for
Jock MacRae 33,066 votes for
John Hassell 31,795 votes for
Therefore Meredith Sheil was re-elected to the Board of AWI, and James Morgan and Paul Cocking were elected to the Board.
The complete Board was now comprised of these candidates along with Wal Merriman, Brian van Rooyen, David Webster and Colette Garnsey.
Subsequent to the AGM, the new Board met and resolved to elect Wal Merriman as the Chairman.
Related publications
- View the AWI Annual Report 2012/13 or download the PDF version (PDF 5Mb)
- Notice of Annual General Meeting 2013 (PDF 128Kb)
- Board Nomination Committee Report 2013 (PDF 59Kb)
- Appointment of a corporate representative form 2013 (PDF 205Kb)
- Director Nomination Form 2013 (PDF 85Kb)
- Consent to Nomination Form 2013 (PDF 60Kb)
- Rules and Procedures governing election of Directors (PDF 32Kb)
2012 AGM
The AWI 2012 Annual General Meeting was held on Friday 23rd November 2012 at the Grace Hotel, Sydney.
No election of directors took place at the 2012 AWI AGM.
Related publications
- Notice of Annual General Meeting 2012 (PDF 718Kb)
- View AWI Annual Report 2011/12 or download the PDF version (PDF 4Mb)
- Appointment of a corporate representative form (PDF 86Kb)
- INF2 Summary Sheet & Talking Points (July 2012) (PDF 113Kb)
2011 AGM
AWI held its 2011 Annual General Meeting on Friday 18th November 2011 at the Grace Hotel, Sydney NSW.
At the AGM and according to the Corporations Act, shareholders voted to limit the board to seven Directors, with 151,797 votes in favour of the resolution. Subsequently the results of the election of Directors were as follows:
Candidate | Votes for |
Colette Garnsey | 122,680 |
Brian van Rooyen | 118,735 |
David Webster | 118,506 |
Robert McBride | 65,037 |
Alix Turner | 27,236 |
Therefore Colette Garnsey, Brian van Rooyen and David Webster were elected to the Board of AWI. The complete Board now comprised these candidates along with Wal Merriman, Roger Fletcher, Meredith Sheil and George Falkiner.
The new Board met immediately following the AGM and re-elected Wal Merriman as Chairman and Roger Fletcher as Deputy Chairman.
The resolution to change the Constitution to allow the Board Nomination Committee more time to complete its function in future elections required a vote of 75% in favour. The resulting vote in favour of the change was 87.62%.
2010 AGM
AWI held its 2010 Annual General Meeting on Friday 19th November 2010 at the Grace Hotel, Sydney NSW.
In accordance with the previous year's successful vote to conduct director elections every two years, no election of directors took place at the 2010 AWI AGM.
2009 AGM
AWI held its 2009 Annual General Meeting at 10am on Friday 27 November at the Grace Hotel, Sydney NSW.
- Notice of Annual General Meeting 2009 (PDF 125Kb)
- Annual Reports
Election results
AWI shareholders re-elected three board members who retied by rotation - Wal Merriman, Roger Fletcher and Chick Olsson.
Candidates | Votes in favour |
Mr Walter B Merriman | 169,976 |
Mr Charles (Chick) Olsson | 161,693 |
Mr Roger Fletcher | 176,810 |
Amendment of AWI Constitution
AWI shareholders also agreed (162,475 votes in favour) to change the AWI Constitution so that an election of directors retiring by rotation must now take place every two years.
2008 AGM
AWI held its 2008 Annual General Meeting at 2.00pm on Wednesday 19 November at: Belmont Park Racecourse, Burswood Western Australia.
- Notice of Annual General Meeting 2008 (PDF 250Kb)
- Annual Reports
Ten candidates nominated for the five positions on the AWI Board, Dr Meredith Sheil, Mr Laurence Modiano, Mr George Falkiner, Mr Brian van Rooyen, Dr John Keniry, Mr David Webster, Mr Will Roberts, Mr Ken Boundy, Dr Chris Abell and Ms Robyn Clubb.
The successful candidates were:
Mr Laurence Modiano | 199,293 |
Dr Meredith Sheil | 189,892 |
Mr Brian van Rooyen | 185,006 |
Mr David Webster | 179,587 |
Mr George Falkiner | 174,811 |
2007 AGM
AWI held its 2007 Annual General Meeting at 2.00pm on Wednesday 14 November at: The Kardinia Heights Centre, cnr Anakie & Ballarat Roads, Bell Post Hill (4km north-west of Geelong), Victoria.
- Notice of Annual General Meeting 2007 (PDF 404Kb)
- Annual Reports
Dr Kevin Bell was re-elected, and Mr Roger Fletcher and Mr Charles (Chick) Olsson were elected, to the AWI Board of Directors.
Mr Roger Fletcher | 160,464 |
Mr Charles (Chick) Olsson | 141,513 |
Dr Kevin Bell | 139,709 |
Mr Hugh Nivison | 127,916 |
Mr Robert Pietsch | 119,084 |
Mr Peter Sykes | 113,809 |
2006 AGM
AWI held its 2006 Annual General Meeting at 2pm on Tuesday 14 November at The Armidale Ex-Services Memorial Club, Dumaresq Street, Armidale, New South Wales.
- Notice of Annual General Meeting 2006 (PDF 160Kb)
- Annual Reports
Mr Brian van Rooyen, Dr Chris Abell and Mr Walter Merriman were re-elected to the AWI Board of Directors
Mr Brian van Rooyen | 142,733 |
Mr Walter Merriman | 130,487 |
Dr Chris Abell | 126,282 |
Mr Charles (Chick) Olsson | 106,673 |
Mr John Carstairs | 69,808 |
2005 AGM
The 2005 Australian Wool Innovation Limited Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday 9 November at The Shores Function Complex, West Beach, Adelaide.
- Notice of Annual General Meeting 2005 (PDF 160Kb)
- Annual Reports
Ian McLachlan, Kevin Bell and Peter Sykes were elected to the AWI Board of Directors
Item |
Votes in |
Result |
Motion 2(a) - to elect as a Director, Ms Kathy Walker-Shaw | 107,466 | Not carried |
Motion 2(b) - to re-elect as a Director, Dr Kevin J Bell | 203,757 | Carried |
Motion 2(c) - to re-elect as a Director, Mr Ian M McLachlan | 225,064 | Carried |
Motion 2(d) - to re-elect as a Director, Mr Peter S Sykes | 200,751 | Carried |
Motion 2(e) - to elect as a Director, Mr Shane J Edwards | 46,209 | Not carried |
Motion 2(f) - to elect as a Director, Mr William D Crozier | 67,597 | Not carried |
2004 AGM
Australian Wool Innovation Limited held its Annual General Meeting at 2pm on Friday 19 November 2004 at Ballarat.
Hugh Nivison, Wal Merriman and Brian van Rooyen were elected to the Board of Directors.
Item | Votes in favour |
Result |
Motion 2(a) - to re-elect as a Director, Mr Hugh Nivison | 129,833 | Carried |
Motion 2(b) - to re-elect as a Director, Mr David Boyd | 120,598 | Not carried |
Motion 2(c) - to elect as a Director, Mr Walter Bruce Merriman | 129,317 | Carried |
Motion 2(d) - to elect as a Director, Ms Kathy Walker Shaw | 117,556 | Not carried |
Motion 2(e) - to re-elect as a Director, Mr Brian van Rooyen | 136,409 | Carried |
Motion 2(f) - to elect as a Director, Mr Martin Oppenheimer | 91,498 | Not carried |
2003 AGM
The 2003 AWI Annual General Meeting was held in Perth, Western Australia on 21 November 2003.
- Notice of Annual General Meeting 2003 (PDF 191Kb)
- Annual Reports
2. Re-election and Election of Directors
To consider and if thought fit to pass the following as separate ordinary resolutions:
- To elect as a Director Dr Christopher John Abell, who retires as a Director in accordance with Rule 13.2 of the Company's Constitution and, being eligible, offers himself for election.
- To re-elect as a Director Dr Kevin John Bell, who retires as a Director in accordance with Rule 13.3(a) of the Company's Constitution and, being eligible, offers himself for re-election.
- To re-elect as a Director Mr Peter Sylvester Sykes, who retires as a Director in accordance with Rule 13.3(a) of the Company's Constitution and, being eligible, offers himself for re-election.
3. Deeds of Indemnity, Access and Insurance
The meeting is to consider, and if thought appropriate, pass the following RESOLUTION as an ordinary resolution:
That approval is hereby given for the Company to enter into a Deed of Access, Indemnity and Insurance with each of the present and each of the future directors of the Company, materially in the form of the deed, a copy of which has been made available at this meeting and the material terms of which are described in the Explanatory Notes accompanying this Notice of Meeting.
4. Amendments to the Constitution of the Company
The meeting is to consider and, if it is considered appropriate, to pass the AMENDING RESOLUTION as a Special Resolution.
To amend the Constitution of the Company in the manner set out in the Explanatory Notes accompanying this Notice of Meeting.
Item | Votes in favour | Votes against | Result |
Motion 2(a) | 158,195 | 7,470 | Carried |
Motion 2(b) | 162,627 | 4,475 | Carried |
Motion 2(c) | 149,475 | 16,561 | Carried |
Motion 3 | 155,340 | 7,365 | Carried |
Motion 4 | 158,419 | 4,951 | Carried |
2002 AGM
The inaugural AWI Annual General Meeting was held in Hay, NSW on 31 October 2002.
On the motion regarding the election of Directors the results of the poll were as follows:
Elected candidates
- Ian Murray McLachlan - 268,639 votes
- Brian Percy Van Rooyen - 258,348 votes
- Peter Sylvester Sykes - 249,226 votes
- Hugh Peter Nivison - 242,434 votes
- James David Osborn Boyd - 235,540 votes
- Kevin John Bell - 234,698 votes
Unelected candidates
- Maree Patricia McCaskill - 229,894 votes
- Patricia Ann Murphy - 224,069 votes
- Alan Osbourne Trounson - 215,210 votes
- Donald Mark Nelson - 205,175 votes
- Michael John Staley - 200,010 votes