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AWI Recommends 2% Levy
The board of Australian Wool Innovation is recommending woolgrowers vote for a 2% levy in the upcoming WoolPoll.
The board of Australian Wool Innovation is recommending woolgrowers vote for a 2% levy in the upcoming WoolPoll.
AWI Chairman Jock Laurie says an increased levy from the current 1.5% will deliver more industrywide investment that benefits all Australian woolgrowers.
“Our industry has opportunities but also many challenges and that’s why we needs the extra investment. Key projects needing extra AWI funding include:
- promising research work on developing a vaccine for flystrike,
- fighting against proposed clothes labelling changes in Europe that would rate wool poorly in terms of the environment.
- extra shearer and wool handler training and support
- increasing wool’s use in sporting, casual and leisurewear.
- smart marketing campaigns in major Northern Hemisphere markets like China, the UK, Europe and the US.
Without an increase in the wool levy good projects that help growers will not be acted on or delivered as quickly.
It would be like fighting with one hand behind our back.
AWI’s sole purpose is to make things better for Australian woolgrowers through research, development and marketing. If funding stays at current levels AWI’s ability to deliver for growers will be limited.
It is the right time to invest more and get better long term returns for our great industry.
Detailed information about what AWI can do at each levy option are included in AWI’s Grower Document which will be mailed out to growers in September.”
Voting for WoolPoll is open from September 13 until November 5.
There will be five levy rate options for growers to consider. They are 0%, 1%, 1.5%, 2% and 2.5%.
Growers need to number at least one box to cast an eligible vote.
Independent business services Link Market Services conducts the election. The WoolPoll Panel made up of seven woolgrowers and Chaired by WA grower Steven Bolt approve the poll process and encourage growers to participate.
This year’s WoolPoll will also include a supplementary question asking growers their preference for a three yearly or five yearly cycle for WoolPoll.
Results be announced at AWI’s AGM on Friday 19th November.
Woolpoll website can be found here: https://www.woolpoll.com.au