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Qualifications under review: Have your say
A Skills Insight project, with AWI and industry input, is reviewing the national qualifications for wool harvesting so that they better reflect industry requirements. You are invited to have your say.
Skills Insight is working with industry, training providers and other interested stakeholders on a project to improve skills and training related to shearing, wool handling and wool classing. Skills Insight is the Australian Government-funded Jobs and Skills Council (JSC) for the agribusiness, fibre, furnishing, food, animal and environment care industries.
The project is reviewing six national qualifications and 34 units of competency that support the skills of shearers, wool handlers and wool classers so that they better reflect current work methods and skill needs. The review is focussed on technological advances, work health and safety, animal behaviour and handling techniques within the sector.
This project will also address any duplication issues across units, by deleting or merging unused or non-current units that are not relevant to industry.
As part of Skills Insight’s initial consultation activities, the project team visited a wool-growing property in Ballan, Victoria.
A technical committee has been established to guide the initial development of draft units, skill sets and qualifications. While six qualifications and 34 units have been identified for review in this project, the technical committee has identified opportunities to develop a new wool harvesting skill set to support introduction to the shearing and wool sector. They have also identified the need to incorporate the skills associated for working with traceability and integrity schemes and to strengthen health and wellbeing in existing units of competency.
Webinars and consultation workshops at locations in every state across Australia took place during May to collect feedback.
The draft qualifications, skill sets and units are available on the Skills Insight website for broad stakeholder consultation and feedback until the end of June.
More information: Access the draft documents and contact details for the project manager at www.skillsinsight.com.au/project/shearing-and-wool-classing
This article appeared in the June 2024 edition of AWI’s Beyond the Bale magazine. Reproduction of the article is encouraged.