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Wool Harvesting Open Day
Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) is staging a Wool Harvesting Open Day at the Falkiner Memorial Field Station in southern NSW on Tuesday the 17th of May.
Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) is staging a Wool Harvesting Open Day at the Falkiner Memorial Field Station in southern NSW on Tuesday the 17th of May.
AWI Chairman Jock Laurie says with this is a great opportunity for woolgrowers to see what is available now and see what is possible in the near future.
“Shearing is the number one issue growers talk to me about, and something I am familiar with as a grower myself.
The Open Day allows growers to see different shearing systems and offers a chance to talk to leading machinery and shed manufacturers on design and construction.
AWI staff will also be on hand to providing the latest in AWI Shearing Shed Safety, shed design and shearer and wool handler training initiatives.
Another way AWI helps growers is in training and retaining new and improver shearers all over Australia.
One way we do this is giving $2000 worth of shearing equipment to learner shearers who complete training and then get a job.
200 learner shearers have the quality tools to do their job right and it is a huge incentive to stay in the industry.
As the wool industry’s research, development and marketing company AWI is a big part of the solution but we can’t do it alone and that’s why we work with industry groups, shearing contractors, the states plus the Federal government to help tackle the shortage.
Issues around shearing have been around for many years but have become more pronounced due to COVID-19 restrictions on interstate and overseas travel over the last few years.
With the national flock on the rise again there is a pressing need for more quality shearing solutions”.
The Memorial Field Station will be open from 9 am until 4pm on the Conargo Road, Conargo.
Tea, coffee and water will be provided.
Food will be available to be purchased on the day.
Registration is free and via this link https://www.wool.com/people/events/Falkiner/
Contact: Kevin Wilde kevin.wilde@wool.com 0436 031 277