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Your Wool Industry, Your Feedback Requested
AWI’s Woolgrower Consultation Group (WCG) and AWI is seeking participation in an online survey as an integral part of ‘Wool 2030’ - a long-term (10-year) strategic plan for Australian woolgrowers.
AWI’s Woolgrower Consultation Group (WCG) and AWI is seeking participation in an online survey as an integral part of ‘Wool 2030’ - a long-term (10-year) strategic plan for Australian woolgrowers.
The results of the survey will play a major role in developing Wool 2030, with the WCG and their ‘next generation’ representatives overseeing the project which was one of the recommendations arising from AWI’s 2018 Review of Performance.
The WCG and their next generation representatives, have recently completed a series of five webinars exploring key areas to be included in ‘Wool 2030’.
The plan is for the benefit of Australian woolgrowers as they are AWI’s primary stakeholders and levy-payers. It will principally cover issues related to wool production, but also some downstream activities in which woolgrowers have a strong stake, such as traceability systems.
You can learn more about the project at Wool 2030. You can also sign up to be kept informed of developments in the project.
AWI CEO Stuart McCullough says the whole purpose of the plan is to keep wool profitable and sustainable.
“AWI wants to hear from growers from across Australia on their priorities and ideas to ensure wool remains a profitable land use choice.”
The approach to developing the Wool 2030 plan has had to be adjusted in the face of the Covid-19 outbreak, which has restricted the team’s ability to run workshops and other face-to-face events to seek input. It is hoped that if and when travel restrictions permit, it will be possible to hold some regional workshops in coming months.
Meanwhile, the WCG is keen for growers and other industry participants to contribute to the development of the plan by completing a short online survey. The survey seeks to gather views on where the industry should be in 2030, what opportunities and threats the industry faces over that time, and what key activities need to be undertaken to ensure the industry’s prosperity.
The survey should only take 15-20 minutes to complete.
Click here to take the survey:
The survey will remain open until Sunday August 16.