
Bestprac was an Australian Wool Innovation program that provided support for pastoral wool, sheep meat and cattle producers to improve their business and production performance.
Bestprac was an Australian Wool Innovation program that provided support for pastoral producers to improve their business and production performance.
Bestprac operated in the pastoral zones of Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia. The pastoral zone of Australia is vast and there are significant differences in farming systems, access to services, native and pest species, enterprise types and business structures. Although there are these differences, Bestprac demonstrated that all pastoral businesses have techniques, systems or innovations that can be shared across state borders to assist others to improve their skills and knowledge.
The Bestprac Case Study Series and Innovations showcased rangeland producers who were trying something new, unique and interesting in their business. Each case study was designed to provide tools and information producers may need to consider applying the new approach, way of thinking, technology or process to their own business.
These case studies looked at what drove the innovation, how it was implemented, the results that have been seen and enjoyed, lessons learnt and how it could be adapted and implemented by rangelands producers around the country.
The resources here are the Bestprac legacy. The content was reviewed in 2021 to ensure its technical accuracy but has not been revised since their publication in 2014.
Bestprac Innovation Manual
Bestprac Manual

Business Planning Case Studies & Innovations
Business strategies for Rangeland producers, Hamilton case study

Business Diversification In The Rangelands, Rawnsley Park Case Study

Strategic business planning and goal setting, Camden Park case study

Technology and Tourism, Wootoona case study

Shearing Every Eight Months

Opportunistic Stock Trading

Wool Basis Contracts: Insurance In A Shifting Market

Genetics Case Studies & Innovations
Genetics To Tackle Flystrike

Climate Case Studies & Innovations
Dynamic climate modelling for seasonal outlooks

Weather Watch - Managing climate variability in the Flinders Ranges

Download: PDF 1 PDF 2 PDF 3 Watch Video
Pasture & Nutrition Case Studies & Innovations
Chemical Shuttle Hay Feeder

Using Lick Feeders To Supplementary Feed Ewes

Hay Baling Native Pasture

Pest Animals Case Studies & Innovations
Wild dog control in SA's sheep pastoral zone case study

Efficient Wild Dog Baiting

Excluding Dogs Once And For All At Banff Downs

Managing Total Grazing Pressure With Exclusion Fencing

Making The Move Into Electric Fencing

Use Of Trap Yards At Watering Points

Feral goat control program and strategies

Options For Goat Management

Regenerative Agriculture Case Studies & Innovations
Erosion Control With Envirorolls

Erosion Control Along Tracks And Fencelines

Second Hand Vineyard Posts

Bokhara Plains environmental strategy to regenerate the landscape and diversify into tourism

Photo courtesy of Bokhara Plains
Old Man Satlbush in an environmental strategy at Glenroy Estate

Tackling erosion at Willow Springs

Ecosystem Management Understanding, Wirrealpa case study

Coping with a variable climate using regenerative farming and grazing practices

Reproduction Case Studies & Innovations
Select Twin-Bearing Ewes For More Lambs

Early Weaning Using A High Starch Diet For Rumen Development

Increasing Lambing Percentages In The Pastoral Zone

Shearing Sheds & Sheep Yards Case Studies & Innovations
Shearing shed upgrades at Cashel Vale

New shearing shed design at Steam Plains

Walk-Over Weighing

Expanded Metal Walkway On A Loading Ramp

Stockmanship Case Studies & Innovations
Low Stress Stock Handling

Flash Jackets Worn While Mustering

Water Case Studies & Innovations
Cell Centre Watering Point

Conserving Water With A Superdam

Monitoring Water Levels Using Telemetry System

Mitigating Erosion Around Watering Points

Water Point Relocation Using Map Grade Altimeter

Agritechnology Case Studies & Innovations
Wireless Broadband To The Bush

Telemetry Controlled Gate System

Motion Sensor Camera

Using GPS Smart Phone Apps Out Mustering

Hydraulic Wire Winder