Bestprac was an Australian Wool Innovation program that provided support for pastoral wool, sheep meat and cattle producers to improve their business and production performance.
Bestprac was an Australian Wool Innovation program that provided support for pastoral producers to improve their business and production performance.
Bestprac operated in the pastoral zones of Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia. The pastoral zone of Australia is vast and there are significant differences in farming systems, access to services, native and pest species, enterprise types and business structures. Although there are these differences, Bestprac demonstrated that all pastoral businesses have techniques, systems or innovations that can be shared across state borders to assist others to improve their skills and knowledge.
The Bestprac Case Study Series and Innovations showcased rangeland producers who were trying something new, unique and interesting in their business. Each case study was designed to provide tools and information producers may need to consider applying the new approach, way of thinking, technology or process to their own business.
These case studies looked at what drove the innovation, how it was implemented, the results that have been seen and enjoyed, lessons learnt and how it could be adapted and implemented by rangelands producers around the country.
The resources here are the Bestprac legacy. The content was reviewed in 2021 to ensure its technical accuracy but has not been revised since their publication in 2014.
Bestprac Innovation Manual
Business Planning Case Studies & Innovations
Genetics Case Studies & Innovations
Climate Case Studies & Innovations
Download: PDF 1 PDF 2 PDF 3 Watch Video
Pasture & Nutrition Case Studies & Innovations
Pest Animals Case Studies & Innovations
Regenerative Agriculture Case Studies & Innovations
Photo courtesy of Bokhara Plains
Reproduction Case Studies & Innovations
Shearing Sheds & Sheep Yards Case Studies & Innovations
Stockmanship Case Studies & Innovations
Water Case Studies & Innovations